Etana Supports 11 Major Currencies

September 4, 2020 by
Etana Team

One of Etana's most-loved features is the ability to land and hold a number of different currencies and link them to our exchange partners. All of these currencies are insured when held on our platform.

Note: Currency support for each exchange partner will vary. Not all exchanges support the full currency list.

As of 8 September 2020, Etana will support the following currencies for landing and holding:

  • US Dollar
  • Canadian Dollar
  • British Pound Sterling
  • Euro
  • Australian Dollar
  • Hong Kong Dollar
  • Swiss Franc
  • Japanese Yen
  • Mexican Peso
  • Norwegian Krone
  • Singapore Dollar

For deposits in other currencies:

  • Etana can receive deposits in any currency, though our banking partners will convert the deposit to US dollars.

For withdrawals:

  • If you have a bank account in a currency other than what is listed above and you submit a withdrawal request, typically your bank or the intermediary bank will complete the conversion into your base currency and deposit to your account. Please check with your bank regarding conversion rates.

The most up-to-date list of supported currencies are always available on our Help Center.